Downtown Team Series
Downtown revitalization requires more than a single person’s best intentions and is often predicated on having a diverse and committed team working together to achieve a community’s collective goals.
While revitalization efforts may start with a single person investing their time addressing an issue, it cannot be emphasized enough that cultivating shared ownership and impactful results requires a deeper commitment by individuals on the team.
The Downtown Team Series is a set of resources designed to support individuals or communities working to create a team to support community development challenges. This series is based on the work and experience of Blueprint Kentucky coordinating downtown revitalization technical assistance in the Kentucky Promise Zone. While this series is focused on downtown revitalization these resources can be adapted to address a number of challenges that require strategic team building.
Blueprint Kentucky, the Kentucky Small Business Development Center (KSBDC) and the UK Department of Landscape Architecture, in partnership with the Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky and the Kentucky Main Street Program launched an Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) funded downtown revitalization project in the fall of 2016 in the Kentucky Promise Zone. The Kentucky Promise Zone represents eight counties in southeastern Kentucky that have been severely impacted by the transitioning energy and extractive economy.
Downtown Teams in the Kentucky Promise Zone
This document is for individuals or communities considering creating a team to support a downtown revitalization process or those interested in a summary of various downtown team members, an archetypal downtown team structure and summarization of the typical team structure found in the Kentucky Promise Zone.
Learn MoreDowntown Team Member Roles and Interests
This document is for individuals or communities considering creating a team to support a downtown revitalization process or those interested in Information about the roles and interests of team members, strategically documenting and cultivating a downtown team, and strategically inventorying the roles and interests of your community’s team.
Learn MoreDowntown Team Scenarios
This publication offers three scenarios of various team compositions and explores how their involvement impacts their projects. For individuals or communities interested in exploring how different downtown team members can impact the success of a project and working to strategically document and cultivate a downtown revitalization team.
Learn MoreDowntown Team Series Facilitator Guide
This guide is designed to amplify conversations and decision making related to downtown revitalization team creation. The guide is broken into three sections and follows the Downtown Team Series.
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